Monday 25 April 2011

Found Success With Your SEO? Great – Keep Going!

The most important thing to realize about search engine optimization is that it’s different than other marketing methods. Unlike traditional promotions or pay per click ads, which can provide quick results, SEO takes time. It’s a long term building process and it sometimes takes many months to see results. It’s not a strategy that can be tested for a month or two.

SEO results often depend on many factors such as the age of your website, the trust that you have earned with the search engines, and your competition. If you are in a competitive market with others that have been around much longer, it will take that much more time to improve your search engine and online presence. However, if a good SEO strategy is executed it is possible for some companies to see some results within a month or two. They may not be the number one result in Google, but that’s not how a campaign should be measured anyway. Likely their phone has begun to ring more often and their website lead forms are being submitted at a much faster rate. Some clients make the mistake of pulling the plug on their SEO campaign at this point. They figure that they’ve found the success that they were looking for, so they can quit. However, that’s not how SEO works. The results can disappear just as quickly as they came.
If you are getting good results from an SEO campaign that means that it’s working, not that it should be ditched. The Internet never “ends”. It’s not like an event or holiday that you were having a sale for that is now over. It’s always there and it’s likely where your target audience is looking for you. Therefore, you should never be done with your SEO. In order to maintain the success that you’ve found you need to continually build your links and optimize your site whenever it is updated or changed in any way. The right kind of SEO campaign should be done well and for the long term.
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