Thursday 13 October 2011

Eric Omand Accepts Invite to Internet Marketing Training Event That Teaches how to Make Money Online

CarbonCopyPRO is hosting their 8th internet marketing training event October 15th and 16th at Mandalay Bay in Las Vegas called Master Marketing Event 8. The event will feature advanced internet marketing training sessions from dozens of internet marketing pros who will teach multiple proven ways to make money online earning a six figure income through a legit at home business so people can get their lives back. CarbonCopyPRO, founded in 2004 by Jay Kubassek and Aaron Parkinson, is a private community of virtual entrepreneurs serving thousands of members in over 200 countries whose mission is to inspire and empower people around the world to change their circumstances so they can live the life that they choose.
/ Annandale, VA - CarbonCopyPRO, will be hosting Master Marketing Event 8, their 8th internet marketing training event October 15th and 16th at Mandalay Bay in Las Vegas. Entrepreneurs and industry leaders from over 200 countries around the globe will gather together to mastermind and share ideas to help one another learn multiple ways to make money online through a legit at home business. Eric Omand was asked why did you accept your invitation to attend Master Marketing Event 8? He asserted "To mastermind and network with the most successful internet marketers in the world. Your net worth is determined by your network. I would never pass on an opportunity of this magnitude. It's all about believing you can get your life back and create the life you deserve."
The event will feature advanced internet marketing training sessions from dozens of internet marketing pros who will teach multiple proven ways to make money online. Jay Kubassek, Michael Force, Andrew Cass, Gregg Davison, Jeff Learner, Justin Woolf, Aaron Rashkin, and Lena Bjorna, as well as many other internet marketing pros are all scheduled to present at Master Marketing Event 8. They are all currently earning a high six figure income, and in some cases a seven figure income through a legit at home business. Every one of the internet marketing pros at Master Marketing Event 8 are presenting internet marketing training systems they currently utilize in their own businesses to create their desired lifestyle. "You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink. Everyone in the CarbonCopyPRO community is all about helping one another achieve their own definition of success. Just commit to taking action and you will get your life back through work that is both fulfilling and rewarding," said Eric.
CarbonCopyPRO, founded in 2004 by Jay Kubassek and Aaron Parkinson, is a private community of virtual entrepreneurs serving thousands of members in over 200 countries. The company is on a mission to inspire and empower people around the world to quit their jobs and write their own paychecks by providing the education, systems, tools, and resources required to set up and run a successful and fulfilling internet marketing business. CarbonCopyPRO will continue to stay competitive by providing cutting edge internet marketing training and multiple ways to make money online that will allow members of the community to excel ahead of their competitors. Eric states "CarbonCopyPRO is a legit at home business. If you really want to get your life back, CarbonCopyPRO has the proven playbook. Earning a high income is great; however it is the freedom this income creates in one's life that is so gratifying and life changing."
Eric is seeking people who want to change their current circumstances and get their life back by creating a life of their choosing. Everyone wants more quality time with family and friends, so why are so many people settling for less time with their family and friends then they desire? Eric is passionate about helping others create lives of their choosing where they can do what they choose, when they choose, with the people they choose. He only works with people who are committed to taking the actions required for success. Anyone who works with Eric will have total control of their destiny because they will learn both the mindsets and skill sets needed to write their own paycheck for life. Eric posed a final question "Are you ready to fully commit to take the actions required for success? As long as you are, I want to help you get your life back and create freedom in all areas of your life. I will plug you into the proven internet marketing training systems that teach multiple ways to make money online and get your life back through a legit at home business." Anyone who works with Eric will be able to copy the exact blueprint that the internet marketing pros at CarbonCopyPRO use in their six and seven figure a year businesses.
To learn more about Eric's business model, visit his website at
Media Contact:
Eric Omand
Inspire, Awaken, and Elevate LLC
(703) 289-9645
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