Friday 21 October 2011

Hotline can help to cut winter bills

Scottish Government Viewpoint
 WITH winter coming and the recent announcement of price rises from the main energy providers, households across Scotland are being urged to take action to help save money on fuel bills and ensure their homes are warm and cosy this winter, by calling the Home Energy Scotland Hotline.
The hotline is a one-stop shop for independent energy-saving advice, providing practical solutions such as free or discounted insulation, which can help make your home more energy efficient and save you money.
Peter Rickard, centre manager for the hotline in the Highlands and Islands, said: “What most people don’t realise is that up to 50 per cent of the heat in their home could be escaping through the walls and roof by not having the correct amount of insulation.
“It’s so quick and easy to install insulation and it will reduce the amount of gas and electricity it takes to heat your home. This could help you make real savings on your heating bills this winter.
“There’s free advice available, so I would urge people across the Highlands and Islands to call the Home Energy Scotland Hotline to find out if they can get free or discounted insulation.”
Insulation not only helps to cut your heating bills, but also reduces wasted energy, which means it is better for the environment.
Whilst many homes may have some level of insulation, two out of three households do not have the correct amount, so the first thing to do is check what you already have.
For example, you may already have some insulation in your loft, but if it falls short of the recommended depth of 270mm (about the length of a sheet of A4 paper), you could make further savings on your energy bills by topping it up.
Insulating your loft alone could save you up to £175 a year and an additional £135 with cavity wall insulation.
Insulation is quick and easy to install and can also help prevent condensation on walls and ceilings and give your home a more even temperature, year round.
In addition to insulation measures, the Home Energy Scotland Hotline also provides practical advice on how to make changes around your home, which can make a big difference to your energy consumption and help save you money in the long term.
Turn your thermostat down. Reducing your room temperature by one degree could cut your heating bills by up to 10 per cent and typically saves around £60 per year.
Close your curtains at dusk to stop heat escaping through the windows and check for draughts around windows and doors.
Don’t leave appliances on stand-by and remember not to leave laptops and mobile phones on charge unnecessarily.
A dripping hot water tap wastes energy and in one week wastes enough hot water to fill half a bath, so fix leaking taps and make sure they’re fully turned off!
Wash your clothes at 30 degrees – it uses 40 per cent less electricity over a year than washing at higher temperatures.
Is your water too hot? Check your cylinder thermostat to make sure it is set at 60°C
140°F. Say no to stand-by and you could save around £35 a year by switching items off.
Replace your lightbulbs with energy-saving bulbs. They last up to 10 times longer than ordinary bulbs. Using one can save you around £55 over the lifetime of the bulb.
By taking these measures to be energy efficient, including getting the correct level of insulation fitted, you could save on average £280 a year.
Now is the best time to get your home insulation fitted, before the cold weather arrives. Don’t get caught out. Act now and insulate your home before you end up paying more for your heating than you need to this year.
For energy saving advice, call the Home Energy Scotland Hotline on 0800 512 012 or on 0300 456 2655 from a mobile (charged at your local network rate). Or visit
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