Wednesday 18 January 2012

Ten ways to make your home more efficient for 2012

By Reporter
Home efficiency has become a major concern recently, with the UK wasting an estimated £1billion worth of energy each year simply be leaving devices turned on but not in use1. With 2012 just underway, now is therefore the perfect time for homeowners to make their properties more efficient – saving both energy and money.
1. Unplug devices
As stated above, leaving devices plugged in when not in use is one of the biggest causes of energy wastage. According to Planet Green, a TV will use 10Ws whilst in standby and phone chargers are said to consume 1W every hour when left plugged in2. According to, this means that 95% of the energy used by mobile phone chargers is actually wasted with only 5% being used in the actual charging of phones3.
2. Turn off lights
According to, 25% of the average household’s energy bill is generated through lighting4. BBC News claimed that this leads UK households to spend £1.9billion on electricity for this each year5. Of course, a large proportion of this energy and money is wasted by leaving lights switched on when the room is not in use.
3. Use energy efficient products
Regardless of how good your practices are when it comes to energy consumption, some devices will use more energy than others. All appliances are now rated in terms of their efficiency, helping consumers to make the best decision. These can lead to impressive savings, with energy efficient light-bulbs helping homes save as much as £55 a year6, whilst lasting ten to fifteen times longer7, and an energy efficient boiler saving as much as 30p in every £1 spent on heating8.
4. Keep everything well maintained
Maintaining your devices and appliances is just as important as upgrading them when it comes to making your home efficient – in fact, a well maintained boiler can shave 10% off your energy bills, according to the Carbon Trust9.
5. Upgrade your boiler
Boilers can also be upgraded to more energy efficient models, with modern condensing boilers said to be the best options, offering a 90% efficiency rating10. The Guardian claimed switching to a high-efficiency condensing boiler could save households money – amount to as much as £200 a year11.
6. Turn your heating down
Turning your heating down by just a single degree can save 10% on your heating bills by reducing your consumption levels – equating to a £40 annual saving12.
7. Wash clothes at lower temperatures
When using your washing machine at 30°C instead of 40°C energy consumption can be lowered by as much as 41%, amounting to significant financial savings13.
8. Don’t overfill the kettle
Boiling a full kettle when making a cup a tea will waste large amounts of energy. Don’t overfill the kettle and only heat the water you will need.
9. Insulate your home
One of the best ways to improve your homes efficiency, insulation has a number of great benefits. Double glazing will cut heat loss by £80-£10014 a year whilst loft and wall cavity insulation will offer a combined saving of approximately £220 a year15.
10. Monitor your consumption
According to The Telegraph, the use of a simple energy monitor within the home can reduce bills by as much as 5%16. These monitors are offered free by some providers but can also be purchased at a small cost, making them the perfect way to improve home efficiency.
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