Saturday 14 May 2011

Nick Knowles: my Saturday job

National Lottery presenter Nick Knowles learned his chat-up lines – and the perils of a walk-in freezer – in the veg trade
Nick Knowles hosting the National Lottery show Who Dares Wins. Photograph: 12 Yard/BBC/Ken McKay
When I was about 15, I got a job at Smith's Green Grocers in Tunbridge Wells. I saw the advert for staff in the shop window as I was walking past and decided to go in and ask for the job.
I was only after a Saturday job and the owner, Bill Smith, needed someone full time but I talked my way in. I convinced Bill that employing me would be cheaper and I was willing to work all day on his busiest day of the week – Saturday. I think it was my enthusiasm that won him over. I have found throughout my working life if you are keen, people will often give you a chance.
It was a great job. Lots of local girls worked behind the counter and I used to chat them up. I was quite new to the area and went to a different school so they didn't realise I was only 15. I used to go out with 17-year-olds, which is great when you are a teenage boy.
Being around so many women taught me a lot. I learned that if you notice a new hairstyle when she arrives in the morning she is more likely to bring you a cup of tea at midday. Working in a fruit and veg shop also got me in my mum's good books, if there were any strawberries left at the end of the day, Bill would let me take some home. Bill had been there for years and was a hard task master, but appreciated it when you did a good job and would give you a few extra quid in your wage packet. I liked him.
The worst thing that ever happened to me was getting locked in the freezer. I did what you should never do with a walk-in fridge: I closed the door behind me and it clicked shut. It was just before closing time and I was scared everyone would go home. Luckily, someone realised after five minutes and I got out.
I never liked school and my Saturday job made me realise I wanted to go out and work instead. It also made me realise there is money in things you don't expect there to be money in. Bill had a good lifestyle and lived in a nice house. He earned his money from selling lots of little things, which taught me if you stick at something, however small, it is possible to make money.
Smith's was the perfect Saturday job, I got to chat to girls, have fun and earn money.
Nick Knowles presents BBC1's The National Lottery: Who Dares Wins on Saturday nights.
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