Wednesday 5 October 2011

Atiyolil: Life is short, so make it sweet

By Marc Atiyolil
As a young child growing up in a single-parent household, money was always a little tight. We didn’t have much but we were always happy.
We all seem to be after the next best thing; does that mean that we are not satisfied with our life or is it simply that we are content yet ambitious?
My mother used to tell me when I was a young chap trying to make a mark in the corporate world that “it’s not the destination that’s important, it’s the  journey.” Although I took her wisdom with a grain of salt.
Looking back, I should have put my ego aside and listened to her wisdom as she is one of the most brilliant business women that I’ve ever met. Her track record alone speaks for itself. A single mother who started with less than nothing, raised two kids on a penny salary and managed to build corporations that span around the world, all based on the fact that she was an excellent cook and persistent. She always got what she wanted.
Sometimes I think she owes her success to always having positive thoughts. Her other virtue was to expect 100 per cent from everyone. She didn’t take flack from anyone, but was also the first to offer a helping hand for those in need.
I think the rules of the game are the same in design. You must be positive, give 100 per cent, assume the best outcome and think outside the box. And there will be times when someone will need your helping hand. There will also be times when you’ll have to do things differently than everyone else, which does not make you an outcast; it makes you stronger for standing up for what you believe.
A great way to make goals manageable is to break them down into smaller tasks to make the end result far less intimidating. On your journey, remember you will encounter a lot of wonders that will take your breath away. Embrace them. They are there for us to enjoy.
Ponder these thoughts with your morning coffee. Be happy. Ambition is not a horrible thing. Simply realize that with ambition, we must also be content with what we have and savour every second of the journey. Life is short, so make it sweet.
Marc Atiyolil is the editor-in-chief of Canadian Home Trends: Canada’s Home Décor & Lifestyle Magazine. To submit a question for Marc Atiyolil, visit
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