Wednesday 28 December 2011

Library can help winterize your home, save you money

I picked up a Home Energy Kit at an ECO Iowa City program a few years ago.
I live in a newer house with a 5-Star energy rating, so I was doubtful we would benefit from the kit. Nevertheless, I dutifully caulked and applied weather stripping. The outcome was amazing.
Small drafts were sealed, exterior door hinges no longer collected frost and energy consumption decreased. This year I decided to start early and check out what the Iowa City Public Library has to offer for home energy efficiency and winterizing. Armed with books and videos, I am ready to winterize. Bruce Harley’s “Cut Your Energy Bills Now” identifies all the places where air might be leaking into and out of your home in chapter 6, titled “Your Leaky House.” The pictures are good and I found a lot of places to check for leaks beyond windows and doors. Energy myths, tips and go green suggestions are sprinkled throughout.
• “Save Energy and Cut Your Bills,” by Nick White, offers a holistic approach to saving energy, suggestions for busy people, and projects from simple to complex, including information about what the potential payback will be.
• “Do-It-Yourself Home Energy Audits,” by David Findley, shares many good ideas for free, low-cost, and large renovation projects. Suggestions are practical and well-explained. Findley advocates for sealing all openings to and from your home, including cracks, seals, door frames, cable installations and more.
• “The Homeowner’s Handbook to Energy Efficiency,” by John Krigger and Chris Dorsi, discusses analyzing utility bills to determine your base-load and seasonal demand for energy. When you know how energy is being used, you have solid data for identifying where you can save. The authors advocate setting goals and completing projects for different seasons.
• “Save Energy Save Money” has great pictures and a chapter about different types of insulation for different parts of your home. I found chapter 3, “Saving Energy: Heating Season,” especially helpful.
• The Library’s Video Stream includes ECO Iowa City programs on preparing for winter. In “Energy Efficiency in Your Home,” John O'Roake, energy efficiency manager at MidAmerican Energy Co., shares energy saving tips and ways to heat and cool your home efficiently. Bob Yapp talks winterizing windows in “Old Windows Aren’t a Pane — They’re Green.” Visit to view these videos.
Kara Logsden is the community services coordinator at the Iowa City Public Library. She can be reached at 887-6007 or Explore how you can make your home cozy and warm this winter at
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