Monday 29 August 2011

In The Closet by Lady C

They were the perfect-looking couple.
He was the chief exec of a huge corporation and she was an aspiring politician with everything to gamble and nothing to lose. Political victory was in sight and she was tenacious enough to want it so bad and get it real bad by hook or by crook she knew she would. They lived in that totally smart part of town where everywhere you looked you could just ‘see’ money, money, money! How much it all cost will pound your brain as you almost burst with glee at the very sight of it all. Slowly breathe in and slowly breathe out – ahhhhhhh!
Children had all grown up and flown the nest. Nicely! No more nannies, tutors, ghastly school-runs and parents evenings with stiff upper lipped teachers pronouncing their pupils school lives away. No, it was all over.
It was just wifey and hubby now, doing their thing and pursuing their dream careers in earnest. Sometimes it did get a bit competitive with one trying to outdo the other. One night, an array of assorted has-been politicians would hold up the dinner table and make after dinner draconian suggestions for a landslide victory to Shana whilst the finest cognac wet several lips. Then other nights, a bunch of immaculately dressed, rowdy former Harrovians waving their after dinner Lewinsky-less cigars late into the night as each property tycoon, business magnate/philanthropist ruthlessly addressed how to swiftly chop their way into the next scrumptious money-making deal whilst taking no prisoners.
Nights like this were common occurrences at the Saunders residence, and William would be damned if Shana would get all the excellent career back-patting dinner parties added to her credit, he felt he was the man and he had to be in control.
Well, that was about the only controlling he was doing nowadays with not much activity between them after the witching hour. As the days grew longer and the nights stretched into long, testosterone-filled battlefields of jeering raucous over-grown schoolboys scrambling to out-whit one another like a silverback gorilla marking his territory in the green jungles of Congo, it slowly became clear to Shana just how fond William was of his ‘boys’. These chaps had been together since kindergarten right through Oxbridge and a couple of knighthoods not to mention C.O.O’s of the top fifty LSE listed companies, it was probable the only world they ever knew. Their wives would tag along and wrestle their credentials into place just to ‘slot’ into the upcoming politician’s favourite flavour of the month so that they could ease their way into her upcoming social event as socialite of the month.
Truth be told, Shana couldn’t care less if they were stuck on a cruise on the Mediterranean somewhere as they all lacked that political ingredient she yearned. No, not the Lewinsky thing nor the Marilyn wiggle, they just didn’t know the boys from the men. We are not talking amongst the ‘men’ but amongst the women! Yes. There were some testosterone types in the women camp and somehow, that kept Shana’s embers burning into the early morning hours on convenient political surgeries away from home. She had found sweet warm comfort in the arms of someone who was always there for her secretly at home, at work and after work. The secrecy bore an intimacy filled with hot excitement which she found totally irresistible and it left her wanting more and more as she fell deeper and deeper.
Sylvia worshipped the ground Shauna walked on and her thick, strong, masculine stature would embrace Shana in all the right places, at the right times and at the right temperatures! Intimacy in the arms of another woman made her feel totally loved and safe. It kept her safe from her legally and rightfully ordained husband William who was home alone in the confines of their matrimonial home. At home waiting for her to come back so he could rub her aching back and fall asleep. Or at least that’s what she thought.
Little did Shana know that her dearly beloved hubby William was harbouring his own little secrets away from his wifey? Uhmm hmmm. His tight group of friends were the life and soul of his existence not only in word but in deed. Yes, indeed! All those frequent late night sessions with his good old friends when Shana constantly came home in the small hours were the sweetest moments of his life. This tight group of five powerful executives who constantly hid behind board meetings every night, business meetings every other night and out-of-town conferences almost every week were not actually out of town but in town! Yes, indeed! Not just in town, but mostly in the upper private board and lounge rooms of their private residence. When the house help had closed up their night shifts, William and his ‘friends’ would retire from the main house quarters into the upper private chambers of the house and lock the doors for private sessions. This was the only way they could really relax and unwind except on the outside world, we call it being ‘On the Down Low’. They found a powerful attraction in eachother that left them wanting more and more of the same flesh in the physical form; they had a burning desire for something so permanently strong in the power of a masculine form that could remain constant in the boardroom, in the bedroom and in his big strong arms.
With both these outwardly powerful unions seemingly flawless to the outside world, for how long could William and Shana play these games in the closet before coming out and how would it impact their whole lives for the rest of their lives? /END
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