Tuesday 3 May 2011

"Buried" Bin Laden determined under the sea is a big mistake for the U.S.?

Between celebrating the full plausible when Osama bin Laden killed, started a big question arose: Will the U.S. policy makers have mistakenly identified the funeral of al-Qaeda in the sea ?
Osama bin Laden's image in the video be played on 12.24.1998, when bin Laden had an interview at a secret location in Afghanistan.

Clearly, the decision of the United States has forced some Muslim scholars criticized, because they believe that a burial was not on the boundary is not true Islam. In addition, there are other indications that a form of "burial" on a suspect may increase, especially in critically Obama, if bin Laden is actually destroyed.
The Pentagon said bin Laden's body to be treated in accordance with traditional rites of Islam, such as a bath before being released into waters off the northern Arabian Sea.
U.S. officials said they did not want to see the grave of al-Qaeda became the cathedral for his devotees. Also, it is very difficult to find another country outside the United States willing to bury the bodies of bin Laden, especially in the short term. Muslim tradition calls for burial within 24 hours possible after death.
But many officials now believe that Muslim burial at sea is in fact contrary to the traditions of this religion and warned the move could help terrorists al-Qaedda launch a revenge.
Burial at sea "contrary to the principles of Islamic law, religious values ​​and the humanitarian protocol, " Sheik Ahmed al-Tayeb, a known leader in the Islamic al-Azhar Temple, Egypt says .
Suspect can only be reduced if the Obama administration decided to release photos of bin Laden identified. But counter-terrorism adviser under the White House, John Brennan, is not a decision that was made​​, and added that if the public image, they can create waves of hatred of America and dangerous for the campaign in the future.     
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1 comment:

  1. Burial ground under the sea. It can be considered as a new invention of America.. (news . The Pentagon said bin Laden's body to be treated in accordance with traditional rites of Islam, such as a bath before being released into waters off the northern Arabian Sea.)
    Hereafter, troubles may comes to America even from under the sea .
