Sunday 18 September 2011

Biggers eager to see work pay off

By ANWAR RICHARDSON | The Tampa Tribune
Minnesota is not just home of Prince, cold weather, lakes and one of the more fascinating malls in the United States.
It is also home to the richest running back in NFL history.
Minnesota running back Adrian Peterson recently signed a seven-year deal worth $100 million, which includes $36 million in guaranteed money. To put that in perspective, if you made $50,000 a year, it would take 2,000 years to make $100 million.
Tampa Bay Buccaneers cornerback E.J. Biggers is on the far end of that NFL pay scale, but we talked about "money" for this week's Wide Right column.
Anwar: What would you do if Bucs general manager Mark Dominik came down here right now and offered you a $100 million dollar contract?
E.J.: Ain't nothing else to do but smile and be happy. What else could you do? (laughing)
Anwar: What would be the first thing you purchased?
E.J.: I would get my mom a house for her and my little brother. Just something for her in Miami, whatever she wanted. I have a little girl on the way, so I would just make sure those three are taken care of.
Anwar: If you could use money to cure one disease, which one would it be?
E.J.: I would have to say cancer. My aunt passed from it last year and my Godmother has it right now. There is a lady like my grandmother, she's really close to me and she had it, too. That's something that is close to me and that's why I say that.
Anwar: Did the tooth fairy ever take care of you growing up?
E.J.: My mom did all of that. Santa Claus, Tooth Fairy, all of that. I got a few dollars.
Anwar: How much money would it take for you to run through an on-the-floor fountain?
E.J.: It wouldn't take anything. If it was to do it to have fun, then it wouldn't take any money.
Anwar: What about a fountain in the mall?
E.J.: Nah, I'm not doing that (laughing). If I wasn't going to get in trouble, I would do it for fun.
Anwar: How much money would it cost to let Floyd "Money" Mayweather hit you one time?
E.J.: You got to give me some big cash. I would have to ask for big money. Maybe $20,000?
Anwar: Twenty thousand? Your hospital bill would be more than that.
E.J.: Whatever he's going to give me. I know he has some cash. It would have to be some big cash.
Anwar: Who would you rather hangout with – Mayweather or Mark Cuban?
E.J.: Floyd is a high roller, so I could hang with Floyd. He's like me. He likes fashion and he's wild. Floyd has that swag to him.
Anwar: What is one thing people don't understand about money?
E.J.: It doesn't last forever. It will only take you so far. A lot of people think money is power. It is power to some point, but it won't last forever and that power is going to run out. As long as you have what's in here (pointing to his heart), you're going to be good all the time.
Anwar: How much do you want the team's hard work this week to pay off with a win?
E.J.: I want all the hard work to pay off every week. We're taking it one day at a time, one week at a time, one game at a time. That's what you play the game for. All your hard work in practice, everything you do in the offseason to pay off on game time. All the hard work the coaches put in, we just come together as a team and as an organization and try to come out victorious every week.
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