Future of Palm's no clarity. The business strategy can bring different results, but Palm is "lay lat" on the smartphone market with capital market integrity a little rest.
The competition between his position on the mobile market, Palm increasingly lép sides. Fans smartphone platform is just as singular. Even so, the faithful of the phone line is there a real belief that Palm still kill a "champion" has been eclipsed even before many competitors, especially the iPhone. Seems very similar to the Palm users loyal customers of the operating system IBM OS / 2 and a Commodore Amiga computer.
Palm đã có một thời hoàng kim. Trước khi BlackBerry nổi đình nổi đám, thiết bị cầm tay PDA Palm đã là công cụ làm việc không thể thiếu của giới doanh nhân. Doanh nhân sử dụng Palm để đồng bộ hóa lịch làm việc, danh sách liên lạc. Trước khi hội tụ thiết bị hỗ trợ cá nhân PDA và di động để tạo ra một thế hệ điện thoại thông minh smartphone, Palm PDA cùng ĐTDĐ là “bạn đồng hành” không thể thiếu với giới doanh nhân.
Time for Palm PDA but still passed a new opportunity to find his position with the foundation and building WebOS Tablet PC board to compete iPad. WebOS is a superior operating system with multitasking mechanism, a function of messages and calendar management optimization. And, particularly, user interface creation Synery help manage and interact with multiple social networks.
A lot of people loyal to evaluate computer tablet PC to feel the operating system, such as Windows 7. However, The computer table iPad use mobile operating system OS Apple iPhone opens a new era for the computer. Computer table becomes a mobile entertainment device rather than serious nature of a mobile computer. Even so, iPad battery still good. According to PCWorld, Palm can advantage from their WebOS platform to create computer spreadsheet to compete with Apple.
Accordingly, Palm, building a generation of computer spreadsheet to build superior brand and find the user's confidence, increase market share in the smartphone market. Current phones Palm WebOS only be offered by telecommunications company Verizon, and will soon export market from AT & T.
Palm is very limited opportunity to compete in the smartphone market, according to analysts, therefore, promote the power of the mobile platform WebOS, Palm should build a computer table worth your time to find royal needle.