Monday, 3 January 2011

Revealed the launch date and price Nokia E7

Nokia recently unveiled the launch date andprice the smartphone is highly anticipated , E7.
According to Amazon U.S. online sales, the phone uses the Symbian OS ^ 3 (for Symbian 3rd generation) will cost about $ 679 in the U.S. market.
With 4-inch OLED screen, QWERTY keyboard, an HDMI port, 8-megapixel camera and up to 16GB of memory ... this is considered acceptable price.
However, if compared with other major players in the market as the iPhone 4, Nexus S, Desire HD ... this is the price of Nokia E7 still seem high.
Also, one other notable information that Nokia has just unveiled, which is Nokia E7 will be appearing on the U.S. market on 13 / 1 here.
Nokia has ever released E7 postponed several times, but exactly as predicted by experts, Nokia had to release before the E7 Mobile Wolrd Congress (mobile world conference) will take place on 14-17 / 2 / 2011 in Barcelona, Spain.
                                                                                                                   source: Techradar
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