Sunday, 30 October 2011

What could government and the community around you do to make your life easier as you age?

We must have senior care homes that have rooms available. Waiting lists are not going to get any shorter. Training care aides and home care nurses should be the second priority.
- Judy Marie Cooper, Crofton
The government must make it easier for us to keep as much of our money that we earned as possible. Unfortunately, because of mismanagement, we look like the cash cow. Leave us alone to enjoy what we worked for.
- Marian Grandy, Langley
The government and our communities can encourage us to be more physically active.
- Margaret Page, Sechelt
Stop making older people invisible. Raise pensions, or even have pensions, in the future.
- Sandi Nielsen, Vancouver
Keep taxes and user fees from getting out of hand.
- Gerry Hunter, Burnaby
Government could make senior life easier by giving us a cost-of-living increase on our Old Age Security and Canada Pension Plan. I'm tired of living below the poverty line and having a fixed pension while the cost of everything goes up constantly. My belt has been tightened so much I've run out of notches on it.
- Sandy Wittrin, Mesachie Lake
They could give me back the full Medicare coverage that we paid for. It was supposed to be FREE at 65, remember? Because our government screwed around with our money, it decided that if we had been responsible and had an income, it could steal our benefits.
- Gordon E. Swanson, Surrey
My community could help me and seniors in general by arranging for an individual, within city hall, to co-ordinate and provide contact information. Seniors frequently need assistance with yard work, snow removal, moving heavy items within the home, etc.
I am not seeking charity, merely a referral to folks who would/could provide assistance and services at a reasonable price. I've run ads in the local media (print and online) but have had little response. I've approached churches and service clubs but they apparently have other agendas. Municipalities may want to consider the needs of seniors as the "boomers" become the most prominent block of voters.
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